Tutti Arts is a multi-arts hub for artists with a disability.  Tutti Arts works across many art forms to promote the professional development of artists with a learning or intellectual disability. The quality of Tutti Artists’ work is recognised through awards, development grants, and invitations for artistic works to be presented to local, national and international audiences.

As the world went into lockdown in response to Novel Coronavirus, Tutti brainstormed ways to ensure artists could continue to connect and create. After some rapid upskilling in online collaboration tools, Tutti moved all of its programs online. While online programs were a success in maintaining a sense of community and purpose, it was with great joy that Tutti’s face-to-face programs were able to recommence in June. It was from this point that the Tutti Barossa artists worked towards the ‘BURST: Static Vibrations’ exhibition initially for the Lyell McEwin Hospital. Each week the Tutti artists worked on the theme ‘surviving COVID’, telling their story of 2020. The result is a burst of colour, vibrations and stillness.

Angaston Medical Centre has agreed to exhibit a selection of Tutti Arts Barossa artworks in 2021 in the practice on Murray Street, starting with “BURST”.  Tutti has offered to give a commission for any artworks sold through the exhibition to Foundation Barossa.

We would like to extend a big thank you to Tutti Arts & Angaston Medical Centre for this exciting new partnership.


Tutti Arts Barossa Catalogue List Feb 2021 



In July 2020, the four recipients of the Foundation Barossa Thomas Scholarship for the following year (2021) were announced.

Research shows us that students from rural and regional areas have lower completion rates of tertiary education. Thanks to the generosity of David and Barbara Thomas, this scholarship provides students assistance with the financial barriers to study. The program also provides mentorship from members of the community to develop specific skills and knowledge to enhance the student’s professional and personal growth. 

The recipients of the 2021 Thomas Scholarship were selected from a strong group of students, demonstrating a passion for their intended course of study, a strong work ethic and a commitment to the region. For the panel, it was not an easy decision as the calibre of applicants was so high. 

The 2021 Thomas Scholarship recipients are: 

Charlotte Noack, who will be studying for a Bachelor of Education at either Tabor College or the University of South Australia. 

Ben Kleinig, who is in his first year of a Computer Science (Advanced) degree at the University of Adelaide, with a goal to major in cybersecurity or data science.

Ruby Harris, who will start her Bachelor of Primary Education at the University of South Australia in 2021.

Alyssa Feltus, who will be studying for a Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine at the University of South Australia. 

‘We are thrilled to be able to extend the reach of this program this year. The determination shown by the students and their motivation to make the most of this opportunity makes it a privilege to be able to help assist them to fulfil their goals and bring much-needed skills back to the region”, said Annabelle Elton-Martin, Executive Officer Foundation Barossa.

The formal presentation of the scholarship will take place in early 2021. 

Individuals and organisations wishing to find out more about Foundation Barossa Scholarships can contact Annabelle Elton-Martin, Foundation Barossa Executive Officer on info@foundationbarossa.org.au 

Youth homelessness is not a new issue in the Barossa, but the numbers have steadily been increasing, with recent heartbreaking cases such as an eight-year-old child presenting as homeless and a young mother with a three-month-old baby sleeping in their car.  There are currently more than 44 children homeless in the Barossa.

For young people at risk of homelessness, a space to call their own is life-changing.  Foundation Barossa launched The Foundations Project to fund the purchase of the first Kids Under Cover youth homeless prevention studio in the Barossa and create seed funding for a long term sustainable solution.

Foundation Barossa has been overwhelmed with the extraordinary generosity of the Barossa community, with funds raised to date sitting at $50,895.  Funds have been raised by school fundraisers, donations from individuals and companies, golf days, community groups and even children donating their pocket money.  Many cellar doors, bars and restaurants also took part in Corkage for a Cause on Friday 27 November with all corkage or tasting fees being donated to The Foundations Project.

The challenge was to be able to continue to build the funds after the Appeal.

Homburg Real Estate and Foundation Barossa are incredibly excited to announce the launch of the new Homburg Homelessness Prevention Fund.  This fund will be used to build youth prevention homeless studios in the Barossa from Kids Under Cover and will be administered by Foundation Barossa.

Award-winning local real estate agency Homburg has been a valued Gold sponsor of Foundation Barossa since 2014.  Their motto is “Specialising in Real Estate – involved in Our Community” and their involvement with Foundation Barossa is evidence of that.

Foundation Barossa approached Homburg as there was a clear parallel with both organisations involved in  “putting roofs over people’s heads”.  Continuing their wish to contribute to the needs of the community, from December 1 2020, Homburg will donate to the Homburg Homeless Prevention Fund for every property they sell and every new rental property they list.  Based on the average of their annual sales and new rental listings, this should achieve an annual donation from Homburg in excess of $30,000.  This is an incredibly generous contribution which will make a significant difference to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

Joint Principal of Homburg, Guy Draper said: “Our entire company was shocked to learn the depth of Youth Homelessness in the Barossa, and accordingly, everyone was more than willing to support this initiative to do what we can to help those in need.”

The Homburg Homeless Prevention fund is an incredibly important step in our shared vision that no young person in the region need experience homelessness.

Donate Now ButtonThe goal is with the funding from The Foundations Project and The Homburg Homeless Prevention Fund we will be able to build the first youth homeless prevention studio in 2021.

Foundation Barossa would like to extend a huge thank you to all in the community that have already donated.

To make your donation please visit: https://the-foundations-project.raisely.com/


Homburg Homelessness Prevention Fund


BGWA Community Long Lunch – Friday 11 December

In the spirit of bringing the Barossa community together for a Christmas celebration after a difficult year, Hand Made Catering will hold the inaugural Barossa Community Long Lunch on Friday 11 December from 12 – 4.30pm at Peter Lehmann Wines Old Redemption.

Tickets are $99 and group bookings are welcome.

$15 from every ticket sold + 10% of bar takings will go to Foundation Barossa’s BGWA sub-fund.



Community Lunch

BGWA Community Sub Fund

Foundation Barossa would like to introduce The BGWA Community Sub Fund which was established in June 2019 with $5,000 seed funding from the Barossa Wine Auction.

The BGWA Community Sub Fund will be used to benefit the Barossa wine and grape growing community by increasing capability via knowledge and understanding about various issues relating to mental health.  The outcomes will be designed to better equip members of the Barossa wine and grape growing community to engage in conversations and to provide active support for people, whose colleagues, friends or family members are facing mental health issues. It is intended that the grants will fund regular, formal mental health First Aid training. The training will cover areas such as what is mental illness, how to talk about mental health, the importance of self-care and how to support someone with mental health challenges.


Barossa Community Long Lunch – Friday 11 December

In the spirit of bringing the Barossa community together for a Christmas celebration after a difficult year, Hand Made Catering will hold the inaugural Barossa Community Long Lunch on Friday 11 December from 12 – 4.30pm at Peter Lehmann Wines Old Redemption.

Tickets are $99 and group bookings are welcome.

$15 from every ticket sold + 10% of bar takings will go to Foundation Barossa’s BGWA sub-fund.


Community Lunch

Message from the Chair

Dear Friends,

On behalf of our Board, it is a privilege to present the 2019/20 Annual Report of Foundation Barossa. 

This year has been Foundation Barossa’s eighteenth year of operation, and a year fraught with the particular challenges that COVID-19 brought to our community and to the world. In April, we were tested to respond quickly as the implications of social isolation and anxiety were being felt, with agencies reporting a shortage of food, women’s shelters reporting an increase in demand, and many more members of our community feeling vulnerable and ill-equipped to deal with the conditions. It was a vivid reminder of the value of Community Foundations, who have the networks, the relationships, the focus and resources to work fast to deliver practical, on-the-ground support for people doing it tough. And it was a powerful reminder too, that our community is blessed with many generous, big-hearted supporters, who are ready to rally for a worthy cause. As always, we are very grateful for their support.

Despite the urgency and uncertainty that accompanied the coronavirus, it has been another rewarding year for the Foundation, where we have been able to deliver on our promise of working to improve the ability, opportunity and dignity of the disadvantaged. The Concordis sub-fund, with the support of founding partners, Two Hands, Seppeltsfield, Kaesler, and Torbreck, introduced a new focus towards people either working with or personally facing challenges that include homelessness, poor mental health, domestic violence and/or disability, and awarded 13 scholarships to local people, to help them achieve their goals.

Other highlights include:

  The Peter Lehmann Arts and Education Trust made awards for seven local projects, all of which enhance the Barossa’s rich cultural life;

  Local young people have received awards via the Thomas Scholarship, the Kicking Goals program, and Barossa Bands scholarship; 

  The Ben Baker Memorial Scholarship was introduced, an initiative of Angaston Medical Centre and widely supported by the community;

  Our first ever Christmas appeal raised over $7000 that provided gifts for children and hampers for families struggling to afford food over the Christmas period;

  This past year, the Back to School program contributed over $27,000 in $50-vouchers for families to spend on equipping their kids with all that’s needed for a new school year;

  Independent learners from Nuriootpa and Birdwood High schools were supported via a contribution from our friends at the Wyatt Foundation;

  We launched the BUILD business mentoring program to support four local businesses to develop their sustainability and capacity to grow; and

  Community Grants were made to several important community groups, all of whom are working to support local people.

Once again, we’ve been delighted to have the support of several important partners, including our Gold sponsors, Homburg and Barossa Quarries – both of whom are thoughtful, generous and long-standing local supporters, who are very much appreciated. W2Wealth provide excellent investment advice at no cost to the Foundation, while AON insurance brokers offer generously discounted fees.  EY donate their services to provide auditing of our accounts and we are grateful for Barossa Council providing our Executive Officer with regular office facilities.

And on the subject of our Executive Officer, Annabelle Elton-Martin, is fierce and tireless in making things happen for the Foundation. Her intelligence, energy and commitment to the cause is exemplary and we are very grateful for her contribution.

The work of the Foundation is largely driven by the voluntary time and expertise provided by our Board. I’d like to acknowledge this group of people, all of whom are united in purpose and committed to continuing to build capacity and self-reliance within the Barossa, and to ensure the diligent management of community funds. It’s an honour to work with them.

Of course, all of the Foundation’s work is made possible only by the generosity of our philanthropic donors, sponsors and supporters. Because people believe in Foundation Barossa and continue to support us, it’s crucial that we remain accountable and don’t take their trust for granted. I invite anyone interested in the work the Foundation does to get in touch with me or any of our Board members to speak about the Foundation, ask questions, or make suggestions of any kind. On behalf of the Board, my sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed to the work of Foundation Barossa over this past period.

 Nick Slape



2020 Foundation Barossa Annual Report


What is Corkage for a Cause?

Foundation Barossa’s annual Christmas appeal – Corkage for a Cause – will this year support The Foundations Project – supporting the prevention of youth homelessness in the Barossa region.

We are reaching out to all cellar doors, restaurants and bars in the Barossa region to help spread a little bit of happiness this Christmas to those that need it most.

Christmas should be a time of happiness but for some young people that are struggling with homelessness and who do not have a safe and secure place to call home, this is easier said than done. We are sadly facing unprecedented levels of youth homelessness in the region and the most vulnerable in our community need your help.

This Christmas, we are raising funds for The Foundations Project. We are looking to build the first youth homeless studio in the Barossa which is an important step in this journey to stop young people who are experiencing homelessness.

By donating your corkage charges or tasting fees on Friday November 27, 2020 you will be helping ensure four Barossa kids are prevented from becoming homeless. It will also provide seed funding for a long term self-sustainable fund to ensure a simple but effective approach to the prevention of youth homelessness with the funding of further studios.

We have a real opportunity to make a difference to the lives of these children.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated and bring a little bit of hope and joy where it is needed most.

To register your venue, please contact Annabelle on info@foundationbarossa.org.au.

All donations are tax-deductible.

What date is Corkage for a Cause?

Corkage for a Cause is on Friday 27 November 2020 and participating venues will be donating their corkage or winetasting fees from that day to the appeal.

We invite you to take part by visiting one of the venues below on Friday 27 November.

Participating Venues include:


Appellation at The Louise – Marananga

Barossa Valley Brewing – Tanunda

Bar three75 – Marananga

Char Barossa – Tanunda

Fino Seppeltsfield – Seppeltsfield

Cellar Door/Wineries

Greenock Creek Wines – Marananga (on Thursday 26 November)

Henschke – Eden Valley

Jacob’s Creek – Rowland Flat

Kaesler – Nuriootpa

Peter Lehmann Wines – Tanunda

Seppeltsfield – Seppeltsfield

Torbreck – Marananga

Two Hands Wines – Marananga

Yalumba – Angaston

more venues coming soon

More information or to register your venue

For more information or to register your business to take part, please contact Annabelle Elton-Martin via email.


We knew of at least forty-four children who were homeless in the Barossa region prior to the pandemic. This number has now increased significantly, with children as young as eight years old presenting as homeless to Centacare. With COVID, people across the country are being told to stay home. For young people who do not have a safe and secure place to call home, this is easier said than done.

With no youth shelter in the region, we are seeing a worrying increase in the number of children sleeping rough and in cars during this cold winter.

There is a misconception that young people experience homelessness by choice, but the reality is often very different. The issues are vast and complex. For at-risk young people, their lives have become emotionally and often physically unbearable. Their home life may be impacted by the disadvantage of poverty, neglect, abuse, unemployment, substance abuse, health issues, disability, and mental illness.

Foundation Barossa is partnering with Kids Under Cover and Centacare Youth Homelessness in the Barossa on a solution.

Kids under Cover runs an innovative, evidence-based studio program, which provides secure and stable accommodation for young people at risk of homelessness. They build relocatable one- and two-bedroom (with bathroom) studios that are installed in the backyard of the family or carer’s home.

Each studio is used to prevent homelessness on average for four children. The extra space relieves overcrowding, eases tensions, and provides young people with a secure and stable place, giving at-risk young people the room to recover and develop.

Centacare provides case management, early intervention, outreach, post-crisis, and wait-list support to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Barossa region.


This will allow us to build our first studio in the region which is an important step in this journey. With your donation, you will be ensuring four Barossa kids are prevented from becoming homeless. It will also provide seed funding for a long term self-sustainable fund to ensure a simple but effective approach to the prevention of youth homelessness with the funding of further studios. Foundation Barossa will work with these young people to provide education scholarships so they can continue their studies and achieve their goals

We have a real opportunity to make a difference to the lives of these children.

We are looking for the Barossa community to crowd-fund for The Foundations Project, with tax-deductible donations.

We invite you to be part of this important initiative and help some of the most vulnerable members of our community.

A heartfelt thank you.

To Donate:

 Donate online here

Donate Now Button


EFT Payments can be made to:

Barossa Region Community Foundation Inc
BSB: 105-024
Account: 034 847 640 Reference: TFP and your name

Please provide remittance advice to info@foundationbarossa.org.au and we will send you your tax receipt.

More Information


Foundations Project Evaluation Report – PPT


Foundation Barossa has changed a lot since we were established in 2002 .

Traditionally we have invested and grown donations to create a long-term funding stream to support scholarships and programs for many years.  We still do that.

But as our region has grown, so have we. We’re working with our community to address other needs like homelessness, mental health and disability.

Thanks to a grant from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) earlier this year, we’ve made a short video that showcases many of our programs and the incredible people they benefit.  You will no doubt recognise some familiar faces, in addition to meeting some of our grant and scholarship recipients.

Please share this video and if you’ve got questions about any of our programs, don’t hesitate to get in touch at info@foundationbarossa.org.au

More Information

Email Annabelle –  info@foundationbarossa.org.au

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