Our Scholars - where are they now?

April Zimmermann
Cellarmasters Scholar
Bachelor of Law and Psychological Science
“I am currently in my fourth year of Bachelor of Law and Psychological Science (5 year concurrent degree). I will have completed my Psychology degree at the end of this year, 2019 and will be finishing my law degree by December 2020.
I have been working in a volunteer role at JusticeNet SA for over a year now which has given me industry experience assisting those in SA unable to afford legal representation. This will give me a boost when applying for competitive full-time legal work after graduating. Receiving the Cellarmasters Scholarship allowed me to have this regular ongoing commitment without being impacted negatively financially in regards to being able to pay my rent/ bills etc. Whilst I have maintained casual work throughout my degree, the security of having the scholarship in times where I am unable to work my regular 2-3 shifts alleviated a lot of stress during those 3 years in which I was awarded the scholarship. I am very thankful to both Cellarmasters and Foundation Barossa for their support during my first three years of university education.”
Thanks April for keeping in touch – and best of luck for your remaining studies.
If you are considering tertiary education in 2020, applications for the Thomas Scholarship open in June.
More information about our educational scholarships can be found here.