New Executive Officer for Foundation Barossa

Foundation Barossa bids farewell to Leanne Hutton and appoints a new Executive Officer.
Foundation Barossa is a community owned charitable trust. It offers the Barossa community an opportunity to give money and resources directly to their local community, where it is managed and used for local purposes.
“After 4 and a half years we were sad to farewell Leanne Hutton from the Foundation, she has been such a valuable asset to our organisation.” said Anita Bowen, Foundation Barossa Chair. “We are pleased to welcome Kylie Piper to take on the challenges of the Executive Officer role.”
One of the first duties that Kylie has is to announce the Foundation Barossa 2016 community grant recipients. The Foundation Barossa Community Grants are given annually to eligible groups within the Barossa region that contribute to community development, arts or heritage programs. Recipients of the 2016 Community Grants will be announced within the coming weeks.
“It is a fantastic opportunity to be involved with Foundation Barossa.” said Kylie. “I am excited to be a part of an organisation that does such great things within the Barossa community and now that we have an office at the Barossa Council building, I’m looking forward to meeting all our great supporters and people in and around the region.”
With a background in not for profit organisations and a passion for the region, Kylie Piper commenced in the new role on June 21 and will be available each Tuesday at the Barossa Council building on Tanunda St in Nuriootpa.