Building stronger communities together

Foundation Barossa will be celebrating building stronger communities together by holding an evening of networking and workshops for community groups and local businesses at the VINE INN, NURIOOTPA on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21.

The event is supported through a Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week grant from Philanthropy Australia in partnership with the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal.

Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week (CPPW) is an initiative supported through the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership to celebrate how partnerships between grassroots community groups and philanthropy can help build strong and vibrant places to live and work. It is a chance for us to showcase and promote the great work we are doing in our community.

“By hosting this event we are aiming to bring together both business and community groups to showcase some great philanthropic programs that are happening in the Barossa, including the CONCORDIS project.” Kylie Piper, Executive Officer of Foundation Barossa “We also hope to other groups identify new projects and help support collaborations within our community.”

There is a perception that philanthropy is something that is only done by high-net-worth individuals and businesses. The reality, however, is that it takes place in communities across Australia every day, as people contribute their time and talent, as well as their own funds, to make a better community. This initiative is an opportunity to highlight and showcase all that great work.

“Many community groups have a big idea they want to promote, our workshop will help them try to make that idea a reality and assist them to get their message out there into communities that they are helping.”

If you are involved in a community group, or are in a business that is interested in supporting local community groups we invite you can register your interest in the event through the Foundation Barossa website at EVENTBRITE.

For more information, about CPPW visit: www.communitypartnerships.com.au.