8 photos of 6 women and 2 men holding up their palms. On their palms are the words STOP to promote the Foundation Barossa Domestic Violence Response Fund.Domestic Violence – It has to STOP

Domestic Violence is a significant issue in the Barossa with 34% of the people accessing local support services, doing so due to domestic violence. The Foundation Barossa Domestic Violence Respond Fund has been established to help those in need.

Local service providers estimate an additional 20% of people do not seek help.

Power and control are often at the core of physically and sexually abusive relationships, but abuse can also manifest in many ways.

Intimidation, emotional abuse, isolation, using the children, economic abuse, privilege, coercion, and threats are common tactics used by perpetrators. No form of abuse is acceptable. It is damaging to the woman, her family relationships, her children and the broader community. We believe domestic violence is everyone’s business and that we must all work together to strive for its elimination.

Domestic and family violence have long-term impacts on the health and wellbeing of adults and children.

In Australia, family and domestic violence contributes to more death, disability and illness in women aged 25-44 years than any other preventable risk factor.

8 photos of 3 women and 5 men holding up their palms. On their palms are the words STOP to promote the Foundation Barossa Domestic Violence Response Fund.

We need change, and we can work together to make that happen.

According to Maria Hagias, CEO, Women’s Safety Services SA, “Domestic and family violence can happen to anyone regardless of their age or where they live. In regional and remote areas women experience higher rates of intimate partner violence compared with women in capital cities (21% compared to 15%) and this statistic may surprise many people in country communities.

Maria stated, “We know that when people who are living in regional and remote communities are subjected to domestic and family violence, they can face additional challenges in seeking help, information, and safety. We also know that when a community like the Barossa comes together to supports its members in their time of need, the positive impact can be profound and even life-changing for the recipients of that support.”

The Foundation Barossa Domestic Violence Response Fund will make payments to Women’s Safety Services SA to address the issues arising from family and domestic violence. These initiatives will be:

  •    informed by the lived experiences of women and their children in the region
  •    responsive to the diverse needs and backgrounds of women and their children
  •   accessible and flexible, ensuring ease of access for those who need it in the Barossa.

Our shared vision is for women and their children to live safely in our community free from all forms of violence.

“Most people think of abuse as just a physical thing, but for me it was mental, physical, spiritual, financial and sexual. If he could do it to me, he did it.” said Barossa domestic violence survivor Jade Balmer. “If I can even just inspire one person to think their life can change no matter what they’re going through, the challenges I’ve endured to get here have not been in vain.”

Donate to the Domestic Violence Response Fund

Donate online or email us at info@foundationbarossa.org.au and we will send you an invoice.

All donations are tax deductible and 98c in every $1 donated goes directly to support domestic violence initiatives in the Barossa.

Compassion matters.

We can work together to help the victims of domestic violence in our community. Please support this Fund if you can8 images of people holding up their hands with the word stop for the Foundation Barossa Domestic Violence Response Fund

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic and family violence, please call the Domestic Violence Crisis Line (24 hours) 1800 800 098 or 1800RESPECT (24 hours) 1800 737 732.